I've found a passion for helping people!
If you would have asked me 2 years ago if I worked out I would have been like "uhh does yoga count?" I had no idea what 'clean eating' was or what the heck this 'fitness stuff' was. All I knew was my jeans were getting too tight and I wasn't about to go up ANOTHER size.
Have you ever tried clothes on in the fitting room and just been like 'ugh what am I looking at right now?' I can definitely relate. It's not fun to not like what you see in the mirror, how you feel when you have to 'suck it in' to make it fit or trying to find the 'perfect' pose in a photo so you look slimmer and make your friends delete all the ones you don't approve of (which is usually all of them).
Thankfully for me my sister came to my rescue (without even realizing it). She was up late watching infomercials and she called me in and said "you HAVE to see this." Of course it was INSANITY. At first I was like heck no, and then I was like you know what, 'let's do it!' What did I have to lose, right? Well actually, not to be cliche but I lost A LOT. More than I imagined. I was competely blown away that 1. I was getting better and better with every workout and 2. that this was actually WORKING! I couldn't get enough!
After Insanity I started looking for my next step up and what I found was this HUGE support system, started doing research, soaking in anything and everything I could get my hands on or bit of knowledge someone was willing to share (and there was no shortage of it) And now I'm ready to pay it forward. I want to help people find the same confidence with themselves that I have. I know this works, I know how to help, and I'm ready to share it with the world!